Monday, April 03, 2006


When I created this blog, I did not intend to post anything besides my ADVICE. I'm a woman full of opinions, but I wanted to refrain from posting my opinion about news and politics and current events. (I was going to leave that in the hands of some very capable, knowledgeable women - check out the blog of roycesdaughter. The woman knows about which she speaks! Hey, Twin!)

However, I could not resist commenting on this...this...I don't even know what the word is...this spectacle?...that Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has created. (I'm going to assume you know what I'm talking about, so I won't bother with the back story. ) I promise you I won't be long...

The Washington Post quoted McKinney as saying that the officer initiated the incident by " 'inappropriately touching and stopping her' after she walked past a security checkpoint." Offended by the manner in which the officer stopped her, McKinney struck him with her cell phone.

I have only one question: this broad, who was not cleared to proceed and enter the building, thought she was supposed to just walk past a security checkpoint and go on about her business? Is she friggin kidding me? WTOP Radio reported this morning that McKinney plans to puruse this incident further with a lawsuit. And of course, she has alleged that it was race-based.

Come on, joe, race-based?! This was a security issue and nothing more. You were NOT recognized as belonging in the building. You were NOT cleared to enter the building. The officer had every right to stop you. But you had no right to haul off and assault the man with your cell phone. I don't frankly care how he stopped you. You proceeded through a security checkpoint without clearance to do so, so you needed to be stopped! Plain and simple.

Of course I know racism still exists and many things are race-based, but this wasn't one of them. I'm mad she has even gone there. I hate when black people play the race card unnecessarily. We holla racism sometimes to avoid taking responsibility for our actions. She failed to wear her lapel, identifying her as belonging in the building. That was HER fault. Not the officer's. Normally, I would argue - and I guess I still believe - that the actions of one black person don't reflect the entire black community as a whole. But she sure has cast another negative light on our already blemished image. I am disgusted with her simple self and this waste of media and time. She gets a big ole fat U-G-H!

Now back to your regularly scheduled program already in progress...


At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh sister boonie! Your crazy. LOL

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

Thanx's for the shot out TWIN!!! But peep game...I feel you on the assualt thing, sis was way over the line. But there is also some other stuff surrounding this woman that might have her a bit paranoid when it comes to race relations on the Hill. Apparently Congresswoman McKinney was the one who drafted the bill to have all documents surrounding the murder of Tupac Shakur released and available to the public. That has caused quite a bit of controversy and backlash from her peers up there. She has reported that since she took on that charge that she has gotten quite a bit of hate mail and the like so maybe that is why she is on edge. Even still that is no excuse for her behavior...everything isn't racial (can you believe I just said that LOL!!). I wonder if the security guard was black or white. If he was white then...I ain't too upset cause he probably deserved the hit for something else (LOL!! OK sorry that was wrong...I apologize).

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for speaking the truth. McKinney has gone too far. All these Congressmen (and Congresswomen) and Senators have egoes, and McKinney that even though she wasn't wearing the proper I.D. that would have indicated that she was a member of Congress the guard should have recognized her. Her ego got ahead of her and in this case she's acting like an idiot.
Thank you for pointing out the obvious.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger DurtyMo said...

*Hmpf* You said everything I wanted to say Les and what is up with these brawds attackin people w/ their cell phones? Da hell? *blown*


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