Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Genesis 2:25 - And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

This passage was turned into a session during my premarital counseling. One of its meanings - where relationships are concerned anyway - was that beyond the physical, Adam and Eve were able to bare themselves to each other, down to their souls, without being judged, criticized or condemned. Whatever Eve was feeling, she could completely reveal that to Adam...no matter how hard it was for her, no matter if it might hurt Adam. And vice versa. They were both naked and not ashamed. In counseling, the question was asked: can you be naked and not ashamed with CB, and CB, can you be the same towards NYM? The issue wasn't whether we said yes or no, but just to illustrate a level of relationship that can be that deep, and to have us ponder whether we thought it was possible.

No. I don't. I don't think you can ever be completely naked and unashamed. I don't care how much you love each other, trust each other, and don't want to hurt each other. There are just some things that a person cannot reveal to their significant other. There are some things that no matter how nice you say them, they're going to hurt. They're going to be misunderstood. And you're going to be judged and criticized. There are some things that you need to take to Jesus and Jesus alone. Some things don't warrant disclosure at all. Sometimes, it's imperative that you keep clothes on and suffer the consequences. Right?

Even if it's not a marital relationship, but a friendship or some other bond - can you ever be naked and not ashamed? Better yet, should you?


At 1:31 PM, Blogger DurtyMo said...

AWESOME POST!!! Let me say my 2 cents. I personally believe that I don't need to know everything my man is thinking, feeling or doing. I don't need to know what he did 5, 10, 15 years ago and vice versa BUT he has this thing where he feels I "should" be able to tell him any and every thing which is NOT realistic because some shyt people just don't know how to handle although they were the ones who initiated the whole "tell me everything" conversation in the first place. I don't think that by keeping stuff to yourself that you're ashamed of it, it just may mean I don't wanna hear your freaking mouth every time you feel the need to bring it up! Ok I'm done, I hope my lil comment made sense LOL..


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Retrospect said...

Own know NYM...this one is tricky. Naked and not ashamed...seems like a coined phrase that's not applicable to these times. Cause people aren't even honest or "not ashamed" with themselves...so how can you be with someone else. It sounds nice though. I personally don't like secrets. I feel like once it becomes a thought/feeling that you're purposely tryna hide, somethings not right. Shhhiiid tell me... Aight I'm done. :)

At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW. I totally agree with your comments. I share alot with my hubby, but there are somethings I don't share or am "naked" with because he just wouldn't understand. Not that it's anything critical, but usually stuff that I know he will misconstrude.(sp)

At 2:17 PM, Blogger SandyBaby said...

While I think that ideally we should be naked and unashamed, realistically it doesn't really happen that way. Me and the Chairman try to be but I know there are some things he chooses not to share with me and vice versa. Does it bother me? Not at all. We all have a right to some privacy - even in marriage.

At 2:21 PM, Blogger MrsNotYourMomma said...

@ DM - When did we start racing to respond first? LOL You're right, but I'm talking about the times when keeping the information starts to affect your health, causes you to secretly and quietly resent the other person and other drama. Should you reveal it then? I know that I should, but it's soooo hard, so in the meantime I'm content to just sit back and suffer. Which isn't fair to anybody. One, I'm assuming I know the other person will misinterpret or be offended or whatever. I don't know. But I'm not giving him the opportunity to prove me different. I'm sitting back harboring all this when if I just say something, it might end just like that. (shrug) That was rambling I know.

@ ret - Coined or not, the reality of being completely honest with your sig other is serious. To what extent? And do you have to in the first place? I mean why are secrets bad? Seriously. But touche! People aren't unashamed with themselves, so...

@ ff - You feel me. I just think there are some things you cannot share, and you're not wrong for withholding. You shouldn't assume you know how a person is gonna react, but sometimes, you KNOW the reaction you're gonna get is not gonna be favorable, so you just say nothing. *sigh*

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

Girl I ain't never gone be comfortable being completely naked. Sorry I can't do it! I get where the lesson is, but I just think something exposed do more damage then good...somethings you can't share with someone else...somethings are personal and even in a marriage I believe that you still have a level of things that should remain personal.

But what do I know...I ain't married or in a relationship LOL!!

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Ms.Honey said...

WOW!! I think some people have the ability to tell and be comfortable telling everything good and bad..but I feel as if keeping things to yourself might not be so bad..I guess it all depends..sometimes when I think someone knows exactly how I feel I feel too "open" if that makes any sense.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger sweetness said...

i don't think 100% honest is possible. u simply broke down the reason. it is important that u are comfortable with and around the individual and when needed u can be honest. i have this friend who we suppositly tell each other everything and the comfortabilty is out of this world. but i never have to think twice when talkin to him and wonder if i had lied about something in the pass. i may not tell very thing but what i do share it is almost all true.lol too bad i'm not attracted to him.

At 8:47 AM, Blogger The Sarccastik Variable Why said...

truthfully i think it's up to the participants...i think wifey knows everything i've done in the past...you i've "tried to cutup" and everything...

At 7:12 PM, Blogger eclectik said...

Love the post!
Love the blog!



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